Repairs and Maintenance Services

Repair and Maintenance Services

Repairs & Maintenance with DFW Property

At DFW Property, we prioritize the upkeep and maintenance of your rental properties. Our comprehensive services ensure that your property remains in top condition, adhering to the Texas Property Code, and providing a comfortable living environment for tenants.


In-House Maintenance with Dallas

We’re proud to offer in-house maintenance services through our sister company, Dallas This collaboration provides our clients with several unique advantages:

  • Seamless Coordination: Our in-house maintenance ensures faster response times and efficient coordination between property management and maintenance teams.

  • Trusted Quality: Dallas is known for its excellence and reliability. By utilizing their services, we guarantee top-notch maintenance work for your property.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Leveraging our in-house team often results in cost savings for property owners. With a unified approach, we can address issues more efficiently and reduce overhead costs.

  • Comprehensive Services: Dallas offers a wide range of maintenance services, ensuring that we can address a variety of property needs without contracting multiple external vendors.

  • Consistent Standards: Our close collaboration ensures that maintenance work aligns with DFW Property’s high standards for property care and tenant satisfaction.

Initial Property Assessment:

Upon signing one of our property management agreements (Gold, Platinum, or Diamond), our team will conduct a thorough walkthrough of your property if it’s vacant. We’ll recommend any necessary repairs or upgrades to make the property ready for leasing.

Maintenance & Repairs During Tenancy:

For packages beyond Bronze, DFW Property handles all maintenance and repair requests from tenants. We maintain a repair reserve based on the chosen property management package. Any repairs exceeding the specified amount in the management agreement require the property owner’s written approval.

Home Warranty Claims:

For Silver, Gold, and Platinum packages, we charge a nominal fee of $25 per home warranty claim. However, this service is included at no additional cost for Diamond package clients.

Independent Contractors:

We collaborate with skilled independent contractors to ensure all repairs are done efficiently and to the highest standards. Our long-standing relationships with these professionals ensure competitive pricing and timely service.

Make-Readies Between Tenancies:

Once a tenant vacates, our team will assess the property and manage any necessary repairs or upgrades, ensuring it’s ready for the next tenant. For Gold and Platinum package clients, we also manage utility services on your behalf during this period.

Why Choose DFW Property for Repairs & Maintenance?

  • Qualified Contractors & In-House Maintenance: We work with experienced and reasonably-priced independent contractors, as well as our in-house maintenance team from Dallas, to ensure top-quality work. This combined approach allows us to address a wide range of maintenance needs efficiently, ensuring the best care for your property.

  • Cost & Time Efficiency: Our expertise allows us to gauge repair costs and durations accurately, saving you both time and money.

  • Preventive Measures: Regular preventive walkthroughs help us identify and address potential issues, avoiding costly repairs in the future.

  • Prompt Service: We prioritize tenant maintenance requests, ensuring swift resolutions and tenant satisfaction.

With DFW Property, you can rest assured that your property is in capable hands. We are committed to maintaining your property at the highest standard, ensuring its longevity and value.

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